Supporting people at the end of their life
As a therapist, I support people through the most challenging experiences of their lives. After personal experiences of caring for my Dad while he was dying, I wanted to learn how I could use my skills to help people who are approaching the end of their life. It is an incredibly difficult time, not only for the person who is dying, but also for friends and family who are trying to support the person they love and navigate their own thoughts, feelings and experiences. For the person who is dying, it can be helpful to have someone outside of their close circle to offer guidance and support and who has knowledge and experience of the dying process.
I trained with Felicity Warner as a 'Soul Midwife' and offer guidance and support to people who are dying. Felicity is an inspiring woman who has committed her life to understanding the process of death and developing practices that support people at the end of their life
Everybody approaching death needs different help and support at different times. Often, this is a safe space to talk about what you are feeling and experiencing, the impact on your family, fears and practicalities such as end of life plans. Sometimes, physical support is helpful, this can include; gentle touch, complementary therapies such as reflexology and aromatherapy or breathwork, relaxation and visualisation to reduce stress and physical symptoms.
If you are dying and would like to talk to me about how I could provide you with guidance and support, please contact me via the contact page. As part of my commitment as a soul midwife, I always offer an initial discussion without charge.
'When our final days come, most of us aren't sure what to expect. Throughout our lives most of us postpone getting to grips with this issue. But if at this stage, while we are fit, we can acquire our best understanding of just what happens as the death process unfolds, this will lessen our worries. And if we have explored the options well ahead of time, we will feel more empowered, as we die, to request and receive the best care possible for our body, mind and spirit.'
Felicity Warner - A Safe Journey Home. A Simple Guide to Achieving a Peaceful Death.
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